Journey to Joy House

Your Journey to Joy starts here!

At Journey to Joy House, you will find a small home environment for you and your children.

We have four bedrooms with common spaces for living, playing, eating, and cooking. There is a large, fenced back yard for hours of outdoor recreation. The house is close to shopping, the public library, and recovery meetings.

Our Vision

Every mother claims a clean and sober life.

Our Mission

To provide an affirming and accountable sober living community where women recovering from substance abuse and their children will be nurtured into abundant life.

Core Values

1. Nurturing Women and Children

Creating a community of love, grace, and sober life between and for mothers and children.

2. Affirming Community

All are created in the image of God regardless of race, creed, or sexual orientation. We are stronger gathered than we are alone.

3. Thriving Recovery

We value accountability and authenticity that leads to changed lives that will thrive.